Business Growth

business owner in a shop

The Big Shift: 3 Signs it’s Time to Quit Your Job and Go Full Time on Your Business

Many people start their business journey while still holding a full-time job. It’s a smart move to reduce financial risks, expand their professional network, and learn more about how to do business. But, there comes a time when the decision to go full-time as an entrepreneur will cross your mind. You’d ask, “Am I prepared […]

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Female entrepreneur talking over the phone

Advice for Entrepreneurs: How to Find Your Passion and Build a Business Around It

They say that passion is that one crucial ingredient in business — it’s what jumpstarts everything and sustains all things. It’s not just a must-have trait for entrepreneurs, however, as it can also be the very inspiration for a business idea. You’ve heard of those passion-turned-into-business stories, like a kid selling their homemade cookies and

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Why Get Your Sales and Marketing Departments to Work Together?

Smarketing is a concept that emerged to describe integrated and fully aligned sales and marketing departments. In reality, though, these two departments don’t play nice with each other; they usually operate in unhealthy competition. The sales and marketing departments in most organizations will have heated debates about strategy, budget and resource allocation. Each group questions

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Success for your New Franchise

Make Your New Franchise Wildly Successful with 3 Smart Moves

Thanks to a growing population of workers who have busy schedules, the fast food restaurant industry is on an upswing. People need a place where they can stop for a quick bite as they rush to keep their busy schedule. Such developments make the sector a great investment destination for anyone looking to break into

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Forget Law School: The US Job Market is Oversaturated with Lawyers

In 2017, Whittier Law School closed its doors permanently, shocking law students and faculty members as the first accredited law school to shut down. And with fewer law graduates, fewer jobs, and more automated legal services, its closing serves as a warning to present law students and those who want to enter law school: the

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Career Spotlight: How to Become a Flight Attendant

For today’s career spotlight, I’ve interviewed Lisa Owen-Jones, a 23-year old flight attendant from Boston. Originally one of my high school students six years ago, Lisa has since gone on to work for one of America’s most popular airlines. While Lisa’s stories show the fun side of traveling for work – the free flights, going

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