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Biz Talk: 3 Steps to Establishing Yourself as a Young Entrepreneur

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Today, it’s not unfamiliar anymore for people in their 20s to run their own business. What’s uneasy, though, for most people is to recognize the fact that these young entrepreneurs do the real, legit stuff. In short, it’s difficult to be taken seriously when you start young in the business. With these tips, you can establish yourself as a young entrepreneur:

1. Know as much as you can about the industry

The first thing you should be familiar with is the pain points of your target audience. The business you’re putting up should solve a particular need. That’s when you’ll gain the trust of a portion of the public: your would-be customers.

The next thing you should study is the competition. Your business doesn’t exist in a vacuum, take note — it’s immersed in an industry that’s for sure saturated with a lot of players, which shape the sector. It’s important to make yourself very familiar with what competitors are doing in terms of marketing, operations, and customer service, etc.

When you have a firm grasp of how players are doing in the industry, you’ll be able to adjust your strategies, thereby proving your business to be resilient in a cutthroat competition. This will say a lot about how you are as a young entrepreneur.

While you have the energy and the young yet idealistic will, enroll yourself in business classes. Get yourself trained in seminars. Read up as much as you can about business. These are the ways you can be smart about the industry you’re in and be recognized as a committed entrepreneur.

2. Immerse yourself in the business community

Businesspeople talking in the lobbyIt’s not enough to be a master in your industry, you need to be a visible master. Get yourself involved in different business groups in your city or town. Go to conferences and workshops. Speak to the thought leaders. Give talks, whenever possible. The more that you are visible, the more that you’re cementing your name in the industry.

Beyond expanding your network though in the events you’re attending, you’re also there to look for opportunities. Speak to different members of the business community so you can be exposed to other promising entrepreneurial activities. You never know, you might just stumble upon a fast food franchise opportunity worth investing in. Get talking and start looking for potential businesses in networking events. The bottom line is to immerse yourself in the community.

3. Look for mentors

Although you probably have a lot of know-how already in the industry you’re in even as a young entrepreneur, it still pays to have mentors by your side. Remember that the downfall of many entrepreneurs, including seasoned ones, but especially the young ones, is pride.

When you start believing in yourself too much, to the point of never acknowledging the fact that there’s so much to learn, that would ruin everything you’ve worked hard for, eventually. Be willing to accept unsolicited advice, most especially criticisms, from mentors.

Most people who start out as a franchisee find mentors in the person of their franchisors. Maximize that relationship with your parent company to learn as much as you can in the business.

They say you can never be too young to start a business. But there’s always the challenge of proving yourself more when you start young. Remember these tips to establish your commitment as an entrepreneur in the industry you chose.

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