safety first

Keeping the Office Safe: Ideas You Can Implement for Safety

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Anyone running a business should know how crucial it is to maintain workplace safety. After all, nobody wants someone to get injured while on the job. Plus, keeping workers safe is paramount in establishing a healthy and productive office environment that employees will enjoy working in.

That said, here are eight ways to keep your office safe and secure:

Provide PPE

Personal protective equipment (PPE) or general safety gear during work hours can help protect employees against health or safety hazards while on the job. For instance, flame-resistant work safety gear can help workers safe from thermal threats. Overall, providing PPE to employees helps reduce their exposure to dangers when administrative controls aren’t efficient in minimizing these risks.

Declutter the Workplace Regularly

Slipping and tripping are common workplace accidents typically caused by scattered objects and spills on the floor. Luckily, these are easily avoidable. All you need to do is ensure your office is always clean and clutter-free by keeping the aisles organized — ensuring nothing is in the way that can hurt those who are working.

However, that is just one way that clutter can disrupt your workplace, and the other is that it can induce stress to your employees. Excessive stress can reduce people’s cognitive abilities, meaning stressed workers will likely be clumsier and more prone to accidents. That’s why always ensure that your office is clean and clutter-free.

Store Combustible Materials Correctly

When you don’t store combustible materials properly, they can become serious fire hazards, putting everyone’s safety at risk. That’s why make sure that these items are stored in places with proper ventilation. Besides ventilation, combustible materials need to be appropriately labeled following the GHS guidelines, which is the worldwide harmonized system for classifying and labeling chemicals.

Additionally, every office handling combustible materials needs to follow unique workplace health and safety rules and regulations, depending on the state.

Label Hazardous Zones


If you have any areas in the office where dangerous equipment is stored, you need to have them clearly labeled and the walkways highlighted. Doing this keeps employees and visitors aware of hazardous surroundings, preventing accidents that might cause serious injuries. It’s crucial to ensure the signs are visible, well-made, and properly positioned.

Conduct Workplace Risk Assessments

To establish a safer workplace, it’s a good idea to undertake professional workplace risk assessments. Doing this will help you identify all the potential hazards within your workplace. After the evaluation, you can now take the necessary precautions. It’s best to do these assessments monthly to ensure the safety of your employees and your business.

Provide Emergency Response Training

Ensure your office has individuals who are aware of what to do in emergencies. It’s best to train all your employees in emergency response and first aid. The risk levels of an office usually correlate to the number of workers in the vicinity, including employees and visitors. So, that means bigger workplaces carry higher risks.

But there are some exceptions since particular industries typically have more hazards than others. For instance, a standard office is at lower risk than a construction site. However, in general, experts suggest offices have at least one first aid provider for every 50 individuals in a low-risk company and 25 for a higher-risk one.

Incorporate Emergency Procedures

work safety

Although rare, emergencies do happen in the workplace. Whether it’s a natural disaster or a manmade accident, you need to be prepared to ensure your business, employees, and visitors’ safety. To do this, you need to have emergency procedures in place, and these include:

  • Anticipate natural disasters and other emergencies by keeping track of your local weather and news outlets.
  • Keep your insurance policies up-to-date.
  • Identify any hazards to your business and how to protect them during any disaster.
  • Develop an emergency management plan for different disasters.
  • Train employees to handle emergencies and conduct evacuations with ease.

Establish an Ergonomic Workspace

Consider adding ergonomically designed office furniture and equipment in the workspace and rearranging the office to ensure that everything’s within easy reach. Doing this prevents things from falling when workers reach for items, which can be a slipping hazard. Plus, when it comes to each employee’s workstation, ensure it suits the owner to avoid any accidents.

For instance, baristas need a bar with an appropriate height and functional appliances. Ultimately, ensure that employees can adjust their “personal” workspaces to prevent unnecessary strains or accidents.

Even if office workers are at lower risk for workplace injuries, it’s still crucial to discuss safety with their team and help them establish a safer workplace for everyone. The tips mentioned can help any business owner make their office safer, more secure, and functional.

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