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Should Your Passion for Drinks Turn Into a Career?

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Have you found what you want to do in your life? We often look at others and envy at the way they live their lives, how they found careers that they love, and how perfect everything seems to be. But just like in life, our perception of the industries we want to be a part of is often incomplete. You wouldn’t know what’s waiting for you in the drink industry until you are actually a part of it.

Do you love wines and beers? Do you know about winery wastewater treatment systems? Those who work in the wine industry do not taste-test wine all day. They have to source materials, produce the wine, and market the products. On top of it all, they need to assess marketing strategies and balance the books. What exactly do you want to take part of in this industry?

Identify Your Strengths

Make a list of your skills and the skills the business needs. Compare notes. How much can you learn about the new skills that you need to get in the business? Some of the skills that you need may be things you’re not comfortable with, such as speaking before a large group of people. But those who want to get into the industry of their choice should accept the challenges presented. You have to expect to do different things now that you’re following your dream and passion.

Go Back to School

Failure is powered by pride and an uncompromising attitude. You have to admit to yourself that you cannot learn everything by reading through blogs and YouTube tutorials. At some point, if you want to be a part of the drink industry, you need to go back to school. Perhaps, you can get a marketing degree or a wine and spirit education course. You can also learn about craft beers so that you can put up a brewery business in the future.

Going back to school will help you develop the necessary skills to develop a career in the wine industry. There’s nothing to be ashamed about going to school when you’re in your 30s or 40s. Plenty of people have found their passion late in life. The important thing is having the nerve to fulfill your dreams.

Know Your Market

doodles on a notebook about customers

Now that you are armed with the knowledge of how to make it in this business, you are ready to get your hands dirty. Where do you start? What kind of company do you want to work for? Know who’s going to listen to you. This audience is going to be your market. If you are going in the business, knowing who you are marketing to is your number one priority.

Be Realistic About Money

You may be following your dream and passion, but you still need to make money. Be pragmatic about it. You’re going to put your money, effort, and time into this business or career. You have to pay the bills and the rent. You have to put money in the bank. So when thinking about the role you want to play in this industry, make sure that it’s going to pay good money.

Being passionate about your career is critical for having work-life balance. It is true what they say: You never have to work a day in your life if you love what you do for a living. Pursuing your passions should be a life goal.

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