
Turning Discouraging Small Business Experiences into Improvement

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Motivation comes from yourself, from within. When you’re going through a particular circumstance or any mishaps about your business, it can dishearten you. It can be feeling rejected, scared, uncomfortable, like you’re wasting time on pitches, drafts, or whatever it is. It can be discouraging.

Getting rejections

To keep yourself driven, remember that some blessings disguise as bad occurrences. If, for example, you’re rejected by a client or a company, it’s most probably because you don’t belong there, and that rejection could’ve saved you from something that would pull you down even further.

If you’ve been rejected, it’s always best not to take anything personally, so don’t beat yourself up. Sometimes a “no” means that you’re finally doing something new and brave enough to try it because you believe in yourself. That itself is a good thing. Use those rejections to better yourself instead of putting yourself down just because of a few clients. Keep going.

When somebody doesn’t like your work

Not all people are the same. Before you even built your website or started your small business, you should’ve expected from the very beginning that not everyone would like your work or your products. There will always be some people who will not like what you do, and the best way to deal with it is to accept that fact. It shouldn’t discourage you.

This is also similar to being rejected. Experiencing rejections and criticisms doesn’t mean you’re not good enough. They could be the wrong people to impress and serve. As long as you believe in yourself and your business, and so many others like your services, then those bad comments or feedback shouldn’t matter. However, you shouldn’t exclude constructive criticisms since they will make you do better.

Rejecting a client

You have the right to say “no,” too. It may make you feel guilty or like you wasted an opportunity, but it’s all right to trust your instincts. If you’re worried about your financial stability, you can get a job that has nothing to do with your business. Having a day job will keep you stable for a while until your business already goes well.

Turning down a client can be a turning point in your career since you’ve avoided something that can hinder you from success.

Feeling like you’re wasting your time and energy

Building any kind of business takes time and energy, but there might be times when you feel like you’re wasting them because nothing is good or bad is happening to your business. If you feel like you’ve wasted your time on a client, think of it as an experience that can be put to use for your future jobs and your building your career. If you’ve been spending your time researching and studying, but you’re starting to feel like it’s getting you nowhere, remember that it’s never useless to educate yourself.

Continuous learning is part of the necessary efforts of an entrepreneur. You can never be too confident about the things you already know, and you can always expand them. New topics, new ideas, new perspectives—there is always something new to learn, and you should never close your doors on them.

Financial problems


Problems with cash flow are never a positive or easy thing. However, it’s not impossible to turn around either. Facing these kinds of problems can be one of the most disheartening experiences, so you have to keep thinking straight and solve it as soon as you can.

This is an experience that can make you even stronger once you’ve faced it. Getting loans, cutting costs, and reevaluating your priorities—it’s in your hands to make the decision. It’s time to be more organized and reassess your money management. RFP in investment management can be something you should reach for to not suffer the same problems again.

Experiencing these problems will make you a better leader and a problem solver. Plus, you can gain more respect from people once you push through well.

When you’re starting your small business, you sometimes get in your head when things aren’t going as well as you’ve hoped. While that’s perfectly normal, there’s always a way for you to think straight, keep your head up, and motivate yourself. When you have your team rooting for you and the business, you can’t cheer up if you, yourself, aren’t willing to.

You are the leader your team looks up to, and their drive and productivity are your responsibility at low times. Keep them motivated by openly communicating with them. Remember that you’re not the only one who is suffering, and you can for their help and consideration so all of your work as a team. Remember that you can learn and improve more from failure than you ever can with success.

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