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What’s Stopping You from Advancing in Your Career?

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Career progression is something that most people desire. Finding a good job is not only about having a paycheck. It is more fulfilling to see yourself achieve your professional goals. But, thinking about it is not as easy as attaining it.

You may find yourself in a rut in your career because of different reasons. Some barriers are personal challenges. These hindrances also intensify when your organisation has existing stumbling blocks, as well. Here is a preview of these common barriers and how to overcome them.

Communication Skills

Employers emphasise communication skills for most jobs. Having the ability to express yourself well is important. You cannot relay a great idea with subpar communication skills.

It even becomes more daunting when you are not a native speaker. Hiring a professional English tutor could help you polish your communication skills. Enhancing your ability to communicate could lead to bigger chances for career advancement.

Lack of open communication also serves as a barrier to career progression. This happens when the management is not open to dialogues or suggestions. Employees find it hard to advance in an organisation that is very rigid in its ways. A more approachable leadership style could help employees flourish.

Low Self-esteem

In any area of your life, your greatest ally should be yourself. No matter how many people cheer you on, it would be futile if you do not believe in yourself. Having low self-esteem is a great hindrance to career success. You would always second-guess if you can do the tasks given to you. Some opportunities may even pass you by because of low self-esteem.

Some of the best things to help you increase your confidence are to look for your strengths and use them. If you have difficulty looking for your positive side, you may ask trusted colleagues to help you. Having a list of all your accomplishments could also help you identify the skills you have. Another way to boost your self-esteem is to challenge your inner critic. Do not let your negative thoughts rule your mind.

Leaders should also not be slack on giving recognition or rewards to those who deserve them. These simple things help the employee to strive more and continue to give their best. In doing so, they will start to feel good about themselves and trust their abilities.

Feeling Too Comfortable

Some employees become too complacent with their work. They become content with filling in the 8 hours required for their jobs. They do not look for growth anymore. When they start to do so, it may be too late for them to work their way up the career ladder.

To fight complacency, always challenge yourself to do new tasks. Being a lifelong learner puts you in a position to make you eager to progress in your career. You do not have to compete with others. You only need to offer your services in new projects where you think you can deliver.

The management can play an important role in maximising the potential of each employee. Providing programs that encourage growth could push employees out of their comfort zones. Leaders should expose their subordinates to opportunities where they can pick new skills.

man stressed from work throwing papers

Stress and Burnout

Productivity is a commonly misunderstood word in the workplace. Some employees think that they need to spread themselves too thin for them to succeed. But, the only thing that overworking helps you do is to feel stressed and burned out.

To avoid this and help yourself advance in your career, you must learn to value quality over quantity. You do not always have to render overtime work. But, you have to ensure that you fill your working hours with worthwhile tasks. You also do not have to get pressured into advancing to the next rung of your career ladder. You only need to do excellent work every time. The management would notice these efforts.

Promoting collaboration in the team could help avoid stress and burnout. When each member holds responsibility for certain parts of a project, the load is lighter. Team members would also not see each other as a competition. Thus, they would not tend to outdo one another. Also, each member would have the chance to highlight their strengths. In doing so, they could let the management see their potentials.

Career advancement does not happen in a snap. You have to work your way up to achieve it. But, it does not have to get delayed by personal and organisational barriers. You must be vigilant to spot such hindrances and do your best to overcome them.

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