working from home

Protect Yourself While Working Remotely with These Insurance Tips

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The demand for a more flexible work setup has been a point of discussion for decades, with 80% of employees looking to work from home. Then, the COVID-19 pandemic happened, and what was once a wish became a reality for many Americans across the country. While the situation is not exactly ideal, it has given both companies and their employees a taste of what may eventually be a permanent setup in the new normal.

With most freelancers and many company employees continuing to work remotely, people have not only seen the benefits of working from home but also its downsides. Employees who were not originally on board with working from home were forced to do so, and the workforce, in general, had to find ways to adapt to both work and home life.

No matter what side of the workforce you are on, the pandemic has changed our perspectives, forcing us to consider many important aspects in our lives and bringing about changes. One of these aspects is insurance. Whether you are a freelancer or an employee, it is important to consider that working from home calls for a few changes, and in some cases, even additions to your insurance policies.

Car Insurance

When you are working from the comfort of your home, car insurance may be the last thing on your mind. But when you do not use your car much, you may be paying for an insurance policy that does not exactly reward you for avoiding wear and tear or car accidents.

If you are working from home long-term or permanently, you may want to consider changing to a pay-per-mile insurance policy, where your insurance company charges you a base rate followed by a per-mile fee that is used to calculate your total premium. The insurance company also installs a device that helps them keep track of how many miles you have driven.

This way, you can be in charge of your monthly auto insurance bill and only get charged depending on how much you drive.

Health Insurance

At a time when health is of utmost importance, making sure that you are protected both physically and financially is essential. Whether you are a remote employee whose health insurance is taken care of by the company or a self-employed individual, you will not likely need to change your current policy. However, it is important to consider your needs in these times. While you are less exposed to the virus and do not have to worry about the stress of commuting to work, you may instead start suffering from different issues from eye strain to carpal tunnel syndrome, which can take just as much of a toll on your general well-being.

Home Insurance


Insurance for homeowners often covers repairs and replacements of any damages caused by certain situations, such as theft or fire. However, when it comes to working from home, what your insurance policy covers may be a little murky. For instance, if you were to get injured while in your home office or if your laptop screen were to break, your policy may not be able to cover those damages.

However, this all depends on whether you are a remote employee, contractor, or freelancer. Compared with remote employees, freelancers and contractors are often not covered by homeowner’s insurance. This is because employees are usually covered by their employer’s insurance policy, meaning whatever an employee uses for the business is covered.

On the other hand, if you are self-employed, you are in charge of the coverage. Depending on your business, you may want to consider taking out a business insurance policy that covers your property, lost revenue due to certain incidents covered by your insurance, and liability injuries.

Gadget Insurance

If you are self-employed and your business insurance does not cover your gadgets, you would like to think about adding it to your current policy. Not only is it stressful when your phone or laptop breaks or gets stolen, but it can also cost you a lot of money to replace. Fortunately, some insurance companies offer gadget-related policies that cover accidental damage, robbery, and theft, among other things. This way, if anything ever happens to your devices, your policy will cover repairs and even replacements without you having to downgrade. This is useful if you are prone to breaking your gadgets, as they are the source of your livelihood.

Life Insurance

While there is no immediate need to change your life insurance policy, you may want to stay updated with any changes that may or may not affect you. This is also especially important if you have yet to take out a policy, as premiums for life insurance have increased in the previous year. If you have not taken one out yet, keep in mind that many insurance companies require you to undertake a medical exam before being approved.

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact all of our daily lives and will continue to do so even after the crisis is resolved. It has changed many aspects of our lives. Whether you are a remote employee or self-employed, it may have also changed your needs when it comes to insurance policies. Before you make any changes or take out any new policies, make sure to reevaluate your needs and current policies and inform your insurance company if your work situation has changed.

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