Woman studying at a cafe

Ideal Businesses Near Universities

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Knowledge is power. Additionally, knowledge of your location is power when starting a new business idea. University or college life is not just memorable for students; it’s also a perfect hub for commerce. Are you planning to start a business that caters to college or university students in your community or somewhere else? If so, here are some remarkable business ideas:

A Book Binding and Printing Shop

People say that the revolution of paperless has taken over or that e-books are more valuable than physical ones. Still, printing is part and parcel of university life. There is always an old charm on the printed page. Requirements and other things that need extra copies or printouts from a flash drive are some of their traditional uses. Before opening a print shop, it’s imperative to know the volume that your equipment can handle, as well as your maintenance costs.

An Internet Cafe

Some universities have built-in Wi-Fi but are highly restricted or supervised. If there are students who want to take a respite from their academics and go on a quick leisurely trip away from school, you can put up a gaming cafe to help hem take the edge off in a wholesome way. If you set up some board games and whip out some good food, you will have loyal patrons in no time.

A Laundry Shop

Laundry shop near the campus

The ones who live in the dorm can be your potential customers in a laundry shop. It might not be as glamorous as Hollywood scenes involving laundry shops, but it also is a potentially lucrative source of regular income for any small business owner. People always wear clothes and need to wash them. If you can throw in a pleasant ambiance, then you’ll have more customers.

A Bookstore

The hub for knowledge is not complete without a bookselling business. Have a quirky or unique concept for your bookstore, or you can also choose to do a traditional academic shop with titles that resonate with the majors of the university students you are catering to.

A Design-related Business

Now is the perfect time to attract the market that likes labeled hoodies. Organizations from school and affiliations are often fond of merchandise like marked flash drives, power banks, customized sweaters, keychains, and other knick-knacks. The demand for these products can stay all year round depending on the number of students and organizations that you can cater to.

A Gadget Repair Shop

Ride the electronic wave with a gadget repair shop. You only need a small space where you can repair wristwatches, smartphones, and fitness trackers. It’s quite common for these things to break down in school, and having you near the campus as the trusty repair guy can help you develop a reputation in no time.

Young buyers are vibrant, creative, and can help you have a cultic following on social media because of their digital habits. Try your best to win this market with a cunning business plan. You’ll find that success is definitely on its way to your doorstep.

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