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How to Plan for a Team-building Event

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Team-building events establish stronger connections among employees and foster a collaborative company culture. The people in your team can not create strong personal bonds by just exchanging pleasantries around the water cooler and going back to their cubicles. They need to take a break from their corporate machines and have a bonding session in a non-work environment where they can laugh and learn together. Here’s how to plan for your next team-building activity:

1. Hire an event planner

Planning a team-building event for the entire company is extremely challenging if you work alone. You can not perform miracles and take full responsibility for everything, from the venue, budget, people management, catering, event timeline, and logistics. Event planning is a full-time job that might require you to render overtime and weekend work. Corporate event planners from can help you unload your life stress by taking care of the stressful components of event planning. They have fine-tuned time management skills and can coordinate things within the designated time frame.

2. Pick an appropriate schedule

Scheduling the event seems easy, but you have to consider a lot of factors. These include your employees’ schedule, their other obligations, ongoing projects, and deadlines. If you schedule the activity on a non-working day, some people in your team will hesitate to join the event because they don’t want it to interfere with their holiday schedule. They want to spend their free time with their families or use it in doing pre-planned weekend activities.

Set a plan during the workdays that do not fall on the busy season and would not likely interfere with your team’s productivity. It is a good idea to have team building activity after the busy period because it will help them to de-stress and regain their energy. You can also ask suggestions from your employees about the best time and date that will match both their needs and the company’s calendar.

When deciding on the date for the event, it is also essential to consider the weather. If you are doing outdoor games, it is a must to choose a time when the weather is suitable for the event activities.

2. Set a realistic buddget


Setting a budget is the greatest time-waster in event planning. If you want to make it less daunting, you need to check your budget for previous team-building events. List the event activities, map specific expenses, and leave an emergency fund for unexpected costs such as parking, insurance, and transportation.

Your employees are the heart of your business. Let them feel they’re valued by taking them out of the office walls and giving them a time to celebrate their differences, share commonalities, and discover each other’s personalities. Team-building events will increase office camaraderie and promote better teamwork, which will ultimately lead to higher productivity.

Make sure that you are present in the event and share the same level of enthusiasm in communicating with your team. Leading by example is the best strategy to ensure employee engagement. Your presence as their business leader is a surefire recipe for making every team-building event extra special.

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