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How Keeping Your Employees Satisfied Can Help Your Business Grow

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Don’t you agree that customer satisfaction is a must for business growth? I am sure you will because it is a visible shift in how the business runs nowadays. But what’s not so clearly visible is the growing need for employee satisfaction.

Employees are your most significant assets. Besides the fact that they represent you and your business in front of the customers, they are also more productive when happy and satisfied. According to reports, companies with high employee satisfaction and engagement outperform others by a whopping 202%.

Thus, it would help if you did not hesitate to push your limits to ensure employee satisfaction. But that’s not always the case. There are also some simpler and easy ways to keep your employees satisfied.

How to Keep Your Employees Satisfied

Several options are available to choose from to keep your employees satisfied. Here are some standard pocket-friendly ways to ensure your employees are happy.

  1. Maintain workplace aesthetics

You need to create a workplace environment that can help your employees stay motivated. A cramped space with average furniture is not something that will keep your employees happy. It might be you and I who can work in such an environment, but not everyone can.

You need to ensure that your workplace has enough space and hygiene that suits everyone. That does not mean you have to spend a lot on renovating your office place. Small investments such as providing ample ventilation or installing an HVAC system will do the job. However, you also need to maintain it. For instance, if you deploy an AC system and get damaged, it is essential to get your AC repaired and cleaned regularly.

  1. Show empathy

Empathy plays a vital role in motivating your employees and keeping them happy. It will not only help your employees be more productive but also ensure a higher retention rate. You can start by communicating with them regularly. Try to know who your employees are.

Not only is communicating entirely being empathetic, but it also requires connecting. Instead of merely listening, you also need to understand and encourage your employees. Give them regular feedback on how they can improve and create a great career. On the other hand, you can also take feedback on you can serve and help them better.

  1. Accept their input

Are you planning to make some business shifts to promote growth? Taking inputs from your employees can help. Informing your team about any changes and taking their inputs is the key to running your business efficiently.

Taking their inputs and making them a part of the bigger picture will make them feel that they are being listened to. Once they start feeling this way, they can do wonders for you. To put it statistically, employees who feel they are heard are 4.6 times more empowered to deliver their best work.

employee working

  1. Provide workplace flexibility

Employees are more attracted and usually stay longer with an employer who provides workplace flexibility. There are several reasons that an employee might need. For instance, he or she might want to spend time with their kids or parents. There can also be health reasons. The crux is that the reasons can be many. Hence, flexibility would be preferred.

Small initiatives like offering flexible working hours or a one-day work from opportunity in a week or two can help. Talk to your employees and get to know what kind of flexibility they want and prefer. Accordingly, you can create a flexible schedule for them.

  1. Plan a break

Everyone deserves a break. If your employees are working efficiently to help your business grow, it is your responsibility to give them regular intervals. You do not necessarily have to provide them leaves for breaks. Just plan some activities that are not work-related.

The activities can be small and indoors or big and outdoors. For instance, you can plan a small in-house treasure hunt or a trip to a beautiful picnic location. It does not matter much how big or small the break is. What matters is that you are giving them these breaks at regular intervals.

  1. Create a supportive environment

It is better to offer than assigning projects to your employees, and a supportive transparent supportive environment will help you do that. Create a competitive environment and let your employees decide which project they want to be a part of. However, you need to set some limits and rules for this. For instance, you should not let an employee take up all the projects, and the other says no to everything.

You can do something like let your team vote and decide who would be apt for a project based on their skills. Also, if anyone needs help with anything, ensure that you and the rest of the team help the guy.

Keep your employees happy and satisfied, and you will see the results yourself. High engaging and satisfied employees will increase your company’s retention rate, average productivity, and sales to drive more revenue.

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