For Business Owners: What Help Can You Give to Your Delivery Drivers?

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Delivery drivers are the unsung heroes of the modern world. They work long hours to ensure customers’ orders are delivered on time. Despite their efforts, they often deal with difficult customers and challenging working conditions. Some even become victims of traffic accidents, leading to injuries, trauma, and sometimes, death.

To support these drivers and help them cope with the challenges they face, many companies have started to offer different types of assistance. Here are six examples of help that you, too, can extend to your delivery drivers:

Financial Assistance

There are times when gas prices spike, and delivery drivers have to spend more money than usual on gas. Sometimes, drivers need to pay for car repairs themselves. If the company fails to reimburse the out-of-pocket expenses spent by their drivers, this can put a financial strain on your drivers.

Gas cards are a great way to help drivers cover the extra costs they incur when gas prices go up. They can use these cards to purchase gas at a discount or even earn points that can redeem for cash. By giving them gas cards, your drivers can enjoy bigger savings, boosting their morale.

Car repair assistance is another way to financially support your drivers. This type of assistance allows drivers to get the vehicles they drive fixed without paying for them out of their pockets. This way, they can get back on the road sooner and continue earning money for your company.

Legal Assistance

Manydelivery drivers are independent contractors, meaning they don’t enjoy the same protection d that apply to full-time employees. For example, if they get into an accident while working, they may not be covered by workers’ compensation. This can leave them with expensive medical bills and no way to earn a living while they recover from their injuries.

Companies can help their drivers get the compensation they need and deserve by providing legal assistance. This assistance can cover the costs of lawyers, court fees, and other expenses associated with pursuing a legal claim.

Suppose your driver got into an accident and suffered a traumatic brain injury after another driver hit him. You can help your driver file personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault driver and seek workers’ compensation if he has no traditional insurance. You’ll need to find him an attorney specializing in traumatic brain injury cases. This will ensure your driver can get the money he needs to cover his medical bills and lost wages. Make sure you find them a reliable attorney with the right experience, a good track record, and offers free consultations.

Insurance Coverage

Many companies take for granted investing in the right insurance for the employees, including drivers. However, this is crucial to keeping your drivers safe while on the job. By providing them with enough insurance coverage, you can ensure that your drivers stay protected in unforeseen events.

Some insurance coverage you can offer are as follows:

  • Health insurance in case drivers get sick
  • Property damage insurance if their vehicles used for deliveries get damaged while on the job
  • Liability insurance in case they get into an accident and are liable for the damages

car insurance concept hand covering red car

If you are not sure which insurance types work best for your drivers, you can always consult with an insurance broker to get more information.

Time Off

Being on the road, driving, managing deliveries, and reporting to customers and the company can be very stressful. Your drivers should have time to rest and relax, so they can return to work feeling refreshed and ready to take on new another day.

You can give them time off by giving them paid vacation days. This allows your drivers to use their vacation days however they want, whether for taking a break from work or spending time with family and friends. They won’t have to worry about their salary or job security and can return to work feeling rejuvenated.

Letting them take unpaid days off and more flexible schedules also makes sense. They can use this for emergency situations or planned events. Your drivers will appreciate the flexibility and will likely return the favor by working harder when they are on the job.

Training on How To Deal With Difficult Customers

One might think that since drivers often deal with customers, all companies provide training on dealing with irate customers. In reality, most businesses only set company policies on how to deal with customers, leaving no room for drivers to learn how to manage them on a personal level. Companies simply expect drivers to know how to handle tricky situations on their own.

This is where you can step in and help your drivers by providing training on ways to deal with demanding customers. This training will teach them the necessary skills to handle any situation that might arise while they are on the job. After all, your drivers are the face of your company, and they must represent your business well.

By providing your drivers with the training they need, you are setting them up for success. Not only will they be able to handle tough customer situations better, but they will also feel more confident in their abilities. This can lead to a higher level of job satisfaction and, ultimately, a higher retention rate for your drivers.

Implement an Efficient System for Managing and Tracking Packages

Many delivery drivers had to develop their own system for managing packages and tracking each one. However, this is no longer the case with the advent of technology. There are now many different apps and software programs that drivers can use to manage and track their packages and progress.

One such app is Locus. This app allows drivers to create a delivery plan, track their progress, and receive real-time updates on their deliveries. This way, they can stay on top of their deliveries and ensure that they get to complete each one on time.

Delivery drivers play an essential role in our economy. Yet, they often don’t receive the credit or support they deserve from businesses. Companies should do what they can to help their delivery driver employees succeed. From providing training on how to diffuse difficult customer situations to providing health, legal, and financial assistance, there are many ways businesses can support their delivery drivers. Doing so can create a more positive work environment for their drivers and ultimately improve retention rates.

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