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Best Places in Asia for Expats to Raise a Family

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Many factors come into play when it comes to finding the best place to raise a family. Cost of living, safety, job opportunities, and quality of education are just a few things parents consider when making this critical decision.

For expatriates or expats looking to raise their family in an Asian country, additional considerations must be taken into account. Language barriers, cultural differences, and adjusting to a new way of life make raising a family in a new country more difficult.

This article will explore some of the best places in Asia for expats to raise a family. It will look at the cost of living, the availability of jobs, and the quality of education available in each location.


Raising a family in Singapore is an excellent choice for many reasons. The healthcare system is top-notch, and the country is known for being remarkably safe with low crime rates. In addition, Singapore has several world-class institutions, making it a great place to raise children interested in learning.

The city-state was also ranked first on the End of Childhood Index of the Save the Children charity in 2019. The index compares data from 176 countries to evaluate where children are missing out on childhood.

So if you’re looking for an Asian country that is family-friendly, safe, and has excellent educational opportunities, Singapore should be at the top of your list.

singapore at daylight


There are many reasons why Japan is an excellent place to raise a family. Firstly, the country has a very safe and secure environment. This means that parents can feel confident their children are safe walking around or going to school. Additionally, children can participate in extracurricular activities, such as music, dance, and martial arts. These activities can help children develop their talents and interests while making new friends.

Moreover, Japan’s excellent education system ranks highly in global surveys. This means that children will receive a high-quality education that will prepare them for future success. Finally, Japan offers a diverse and vibrant culture that children can enjoy exploring. Whether visiting an ancient temple or trying different types of food, there is always something new to experience in Japan.

The Philippines

Filipinos’ friendly and welcoming attitude makes the Philippines a great place for expats to raise a family. The country also has diverse cultures and traditions. The cost of living in the Philippines is also quite affordable, making it a more affordable option than many other countries in Asia.

Filipinos also have close family ties, which is why many mothers prefer raising children in the Philippines. They can nurture family relationships even if they have jobs. Expats can take a cue from this and start nurturing their families in the country. They can also stay connected with other family members back home and have a support system even if they live in another country.

Additionally, expats in the Philippines can work with a reliable company offering a money padala service if they plan to send money back home. The service allows them to send money to a remittance partner of the company around the world.

The Philippines is also great for raising children because of the many schools and educational institutions available. There are also plenty of activities and amenities that families can enjoy. The country has something for everyone, making it a great place to call home.

South Korea

The low crime rate in South Korea makes it a great place to raise a family. The country also has a high quality of life, with world-class hospitals, high-speed trains, and hotels for every budget. Families will also appreciate the convenient access to South Korea’s many amenities.

The government is also working on ensuring all public places are family-friendly. It will set up nursing rooms in shopping malls and museums in different parts of the country. Many museums are already wheel-chair and stroller friendly. They also have dedicated, interactive, and educational children’s exhibitions.

Similar to Filipinos, South Koreans are family-oriented. They adopted modern family dynamics where the status of women has significantly improved. The country is also one of the safest places in Asia for children.


The low cost of living in Thailand makes it one of the best places to raise a family in Asia. It is much lower than in many other countries, making it possible for families to live comfortably on a relatively modest budget. Thailand is also a safe and welcoming country with a rich culture and beautiful landscape. The people are warm and friendly, and there is no shortage of activities and attractions to keep the whole family entertained.

Thailand also has several excellent international schools which provide a high-quality education for children of all ages. And, with its stunning beaches, lush jungle, and vibrant cities, there is something to suit every taste.

Raising a family can be a daunting task, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Asia is home to some of the best places in the world for expats to raise their families. So, if you are considering starting a family, consider moving to one of these amazing countries.

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