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How to Be A Better Role Model for Your Employees

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A 2015 study on Technology-Based Service workers found that productivity increased by 50% when workers moved from an average boss to a high-quality boss. The same study said that moving from an average one to a boss in the 90th percentile increased workplace productivity by 6 standard deviations per hour, with typical productivity of 10 units per hour. The study highlights the importance of boss quality in worker productivity and suggests that companies should invest in boss development to improve employee productivity.

Given this, what can you do to be a more productive and influential boss? Here are four ways:

1. Delegate tasks whenever possible

Although you are the boss, you don’t have to do everything alone. You should delegate tasks whenever possible to other members of your team. And this will help you be more productive and influential. And allow you to focus on the more critical tasks at hand, such as setting goals, creating a vision for the company, developing strategy, overseeing projects, and mentoring employees.

One of the most essential things a boss can do is focus on their role. Doing so allows employees to do their part well. When employees know your expectations of them and the workplace goals, they can work more productively. Additionally, a boss who can delegate tasks and give clear instructions will find their employees more likely to respect and follow them.

2. Communicate Effectively

Good communication is key to being an effective boss. Communicating effectively can inspire your employees and help you get your message across. When you are clear and concise in your communications, it shows that you respect your employees’ time and are interested in their input.

Furthermore, open communication can help to build trust and improve morale. By clearly communicating your expectations and listening to your employees’ feedback, you can show that you’re open to communication and want to be a good leader. This will help to build trust and respect among your team.

One way a boss can learn to communicate better is to be aware of their body language. For example, if a boss is crossing their arms or appearing impatient, this will send a message to the employees that they are not interested in what is being said. This example of negative body language could send a message that this boss isn’t approachable or open to communication.

Bosses can improve their communication by taking the time to listen to their employees. By genuinely listening to what your employees are saying, you can show that you value their input and are interested in hearing what they have to say. Moreover, other tips for effective communication include the following:

  • Make eye contact when speaking to someone
  • Avoid interrupting others when they are speaking
  • Use language that everyone can understand
  • Be clear and concise in your messages

Four people discussing a project

3. Encourage team collaboration

A boss can encourage team collaboration by leading as an example. By working together and communicating effectively, the team can achieve their goals more efficiently. The boss should be approachable and available to help out when needed. The team will be more motivated to work together if you, as the boss, are supportive and positive.

Moreover, a boss can encourage better productivity by strengthening team building. Creating a collaborative environment will make the team more productive and efficient. The boss should set an example by working with the team and communicating effectively. The boss should also be supportive and positive, which will help to motivate the team.

4. Be a role model for your employees

Your appearance can contribute to your image as a leader in the workplace by projecting an aura of confidence. By dressing professionally and keeping your appearance neat, you will send the message that you take your job seriously and show that you dedicate yourself to your career.

Suppose you want to further enhance your appearance through cosmetic means. Common non-invasive procedures include laser hair removal, microblading for fuller eyebrows, and fillers for wrinkles. But if you want to take your appearance further up a notch, you can consider looking into botox injections for a more youthful look. If your confidence is in the way you smile, veneers for whiter teeth can be a great option.

It’s not just your appearance that matters—your behavior sets the tone for your employees. As a leader, you should always behave professionally, setting an example for others to follow by exhibiting qualities such as respect, honesty, fairness, open-mindedness, and enthusiasm. Otherwise, if you behave unprofessionally, your employees will likely follow suit.

Hence, maintaining a positive attitude and project confidence in the office, even during challenging times. Doing so will inspire employees to work harder, emulate your professionalism, as well as boost morale and overall productivity.

As a boss, you must be aware of how you interact with your employees and how you act in the workplace because you set an example for them to follow. Doing so can encourage your employees to be productive and efficient. And having happy employees can be great for business!

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